With many Funds having end dates prior to the April 30th fiscal year closing (i.e., end of March), any Purchase Orders that reference these grants and are outstanding in the new fiscal year will prompt error messages when users process against them after May 1st.
Take the proactive steps below to prevent the following hard error messages ().
“Automatic carryforward is only allowed for amount 0” and/or “Document… has not yet been carried forward to the current year”?
The “All Postings Report” is a useful tool to enable departments to identify any Purchase Orders utilizing Funds. Use the unique report variant in the “All Postings Report” to facilitate this review.
When executing the “All Postings Report”, use the selection criteria indicated below:
2.Process or Finalize/Cancel Purchase Order (PO)
The report layout will isolate Purchase Orders with Fund end dates prior to April 30th. Perform the following steps to ensure that the error messages do not appear in the new fiscal year.
What if I receive the error message after May 1st?
If users have not received invoices related to a PO prior to the Fund end date, are processing in the new fiscal year and
they will see the hard error message “Automatic carryforward is only allowed for amount 0” and/or “Document… has not yet been carried forward to the current year”?.
To request a manual carry forward of a Purchase Order document into the current fiscal year, departments should send an email to the RAISE team in Research Services. The request for carry forward should include the relevant Fund, FC, and PO number.
Once the request has been received the RAISE team, they will coordinate the completion of the following steps:
Once these steps are completed, the user will be notified that processing against the PO is available.
Note: If the error is related to a non-research Fund, contact your FAST team representative.
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