As a result of the S4HANA Migration, any financial (FI) documents (e.g., invoices, expense reimbursements, journal entries) that were Held prior to November 1st will be lost/deleted.
Impacted Users: All Administrative staff with FIS posting access who have outstanding Held FI documents.
Action to be Taken: Locate the list of outstanding Held FI documents, and if needed, process them. Alternatively, recreate the Held document after November 3rd.
Important: Prior to processing, ensure that you confirm that the Held document is still needed (i.e., has not already been processed), then process the transaction using the applicable screen (e.g., KN = process in FB60, SA = process in FB50).
Proceed to the applicable Accounts Payable or General Ledger transactions, such as:
SCENARIO 1 (Invoice/expense reimbursement/journal entry):
5. Process the transaction.
SCENARIO 2: For Internal Revenues/Internal Expense Recoveries
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your FAST Team representative or email
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