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Can Cash Deposits be sent by Campus Mail?

All cash, which includes coin and bills, must be delivered to the Cashier’s Office in person and not sent through campus mail, as stated in the Guide to Financial Management. Only Canadian and US dollar deposits are accepted at the Cashier’s office and a separate deposit report is required for each currency. Foreign cash other than USD is to be converted to Canadian dollars at any bank before a deposit is made to the cashier. Since rolled coin is very heavy, it should be deposited regularly in amounts of less than $200.00.

NOTE:  Departments/Divisions which make direct deposits may prescribe different delivery procedures.

When the deposit transaction is processed in FIS, the actual deposit must be delivered to the cashier’s office on the same day. The completed form needs to be signed by the authorized approver or delegated signing authority.

Learn More:

Last Updated:  December 12, 2017