…for decision making; The individual receives all profits and is responsible for all losses; and The individual reports their business income on a T1 individual tax return For assistance in…
…direction of UTAM. UTAM reports on the investments under management to the Unversity Administration and to the Business Board of the University of Toronto. While the University establishes the return…
…also publishes investment reports for the LTCAP in the UTAM annual report. Information provided by the UTAM annual report is based on calendar year, whereas the information provided in the…
…should be reconciled to the monthly fund center detail reports to confirm that payroll payments have been recorded accurately in FIS and to identify and follow-up on payments made to…
…transaction “Internal Revenues/Expense Recoveries” to record Internal Revenue and Recovery transactions so that: University financial reporting processes will identify and eliminate these balances from the reports prepared for external users…
…exist, the payment should be authorized by the person to whom that individual reports. Also refer to the Statement of Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment. Last revision…
…Reports to which the bank statements are attached, File of reimbursement requests, and File of invoices/vouchers paid but not yet submitted for reimbursement. Annual Confirmation: Once annually submit an Imprest…
…fiscal period should be recorded as prepaid expenditures and excluded from reports of current expenses. Where prepayments cannot be avoided, year-end adjustments can be made to the accounts, i.e. for…
…detailed process for entering foreign invoices and expense reports: Create Invoice (Non Purchase Order Related) Expense Reimbursement Dual Currency Expense Reimbursement Single Currency Foreign Payments by Wire Transfer Payment via…