Administrative (including Financial) Accountability
Guidelines for Completion of Adminstrative Accountability Report Forms
Administrative Accountability Report Forms
The University strengthened the accountability framework and transparency of financial management by introducing annual accountability reports.
As a leading public institution, we have a common goal at the University of Toronto of exemplary financial management of both public and private funds. With the completion of annual accountability reports, we maintain our commitment to high standards of quality financial management both across the University, and in every division.
This individual and collective obligation arises because:
- Our jobs at the University come with a sense of trust and of moral obligation to manage all of our resources as effectively as we can, with the highest possible degree of care and integrity. As fiduciaries and trustees, we are legally obliged to wisely spend the very significant public and private funds entrusted to us.
- Our self-interest in attracting stronger public and private support is dependent on the degree of trust that the broader public has in the University of Toronto. Even a small number of isolated mistakes greatly harm not only the individuals and units involved, but also the University’s reputation as a whole.
As stewards of public funds, we need to assure ourselves that the responsibilities delegated to us are being discharged in a manner which meets the financial control standards of universities. The financial administration responsibilities are documented in the section Objectives and Responsibilities.
To assist in highlighting the most important areas and to ensure a continuous awareness on the part of those with financial management responsibilities, the University has developed the concept of an annual financial accountability report to provide a reminder, and a tangible manifestation, of our commitment to excellent financial management. All levels of administration are asked to complete the report annually. Reports have been developed for Health and Safety Coordinators, Principal Investigators, Business Officers, Chairs, Directors, Managers, Principals, Deans, Assistant Vice-Presidents (and other similar senior administrative officers), the CFO, Chief of Government Relations, Vice-Presidents, and the President. Based on the current responsibilities of these positions, the most important responsibilities have been included. The report is intended to be completed and filed with one’s supervisor. Your supervisor will provide implementation instructions for this year.
The process whereby a person considers and completes these reports will enhance one’s ability to fulfill financial management responsibilities, and the completed reports and follow-up will provide concrete testimony to our commitment to excellent financial management.
Guidelines for Completion of Administrative Accountability Report Forms
Administrative accountability reports have been developed for the president, vice-presidents, assistant vice-presidents (and other similar senior administrative officers), chief of government relations, chief financial officer, principals, deans, chairs, directors, managers, principal investigators, business officers and health and safety coordinators. The reports must be completed by June 30.
Accountability reports should be completed by appointed and status-only faculty and staff members who manage employees or have financial or administrative oversight for a budgetary unit or a research grant or contract.
Copies of the reports have been distributed to the vice presidents and senior officers who report directly to the president. It is the responsibility of each senior officer to distribute the appropriate reports to the faculty and staff who report directly to them. In turn each manager or supervisor is responsible to distribute the reports to the faculty and staff who report directly to them.
Each manager should devise a time line to ensure the reports are completed and filed by the annual reporting deadline of June 30.
It is recommended that each manager retain a master list of all faculty or staff members with financial or administrative responsibility for a budgetary unit or research grant to ensure the appropriate accountability reports are completed.
The reports must be maintained for audit purposes by the manager to whom the faculty or staff member reports. The manager should formulate a solution with the faculty or the staff member to address any negative response on the individual’s accountability report.