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Professional Expense Reimbursement Allowance


Processing in FIS and Contact Information


There is an agreement between the University of Toronto and the U of T Faculty Association (UTFA) called the Professional Expense Reimbursement Allowance (or sometimes referred to as UTFA Professional Development Fund or, in FIS, EXP-UTFA). This agreement is reviewed / negotiated periodically between the UofT and the UTFA.

For detailed information on eligibility of employees, eligible expenses and annual amounts provided, please refer to the Professional Expense Reimbursement Allowance (PERA) page on the internal Division of People, Strategy, Equity & Culture site.


Processing in FIS and Contact Information

The amount available to eligible employees is budgeted in the principal investigator’s Fund Center, also known as the “Professional Expense Reimbursement Allowance (PERA)”. If eligible employees have any questions regarding the amounts budgeted in their Fund Center, or the clearing of amounts once a faculty member has retired, please contact Human Resources at 416-978-4313.

When processing an expense report, please note the importance of using the correct commitment item (EXP-UTFA). For guidelines on processing expenses under the above program, please refer to the appropriate accounts payable reference guide. There is also a faq page for frequently asked questions relating to processing against the EXP-UTFA commitment item.

Last revision July 2006